Designing the Best Website for your Business – What you need to know


You need to have a good understanding of the psychology of your audience in order to deliver a meaningful experience through your website design according to the experts at Web Design Perth.

The boss at Slinky, Peter Brittain says that the human mind has a tendency to gravitate towards novelty – the unknown. Novel experiences do not just capture our attention; they are also an essential need of the human mind. We feel the pull of the world as our brain continues to seek novel experiences.

Once a new experience is known and understood, the brain wanders again to find another unknown to master. From one novel experience to another, the human brain seems to flow through the world exploring new concepts, mastering them and then setting them aside as the attention is drawn to something novel.

And all this happens within seconds!

1.      Relevance

Storytelling – The Modern Art of Learning

Your business website will be a success if only you’ll let your audience know why it is important for them to go through this information – usually portrayed through digital marketing stratergies. The learning session that you design needs to be relevant and meaningful to your audience and in order to make the information more relevant to your audience; you need to have a good understanding of their psychology.

A good way to organize information is to design it into a narrative structure. The concept of storytelling has always been one of the most critical parts of social engagement. Stories and myths are not only relatable, but are also a fun way to capture the attention of your audience.

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5 Ways to Make Your Web Design Look Professional

Web Design Look Professional

Everyone who decides to include a website for their business will want it to look professional. The trouble is they may not know exactly how to accomplish this. The very best way is to hire a professional digital marketing agency to do it for you, and you can look over their shoulder as it were, to make sure they include these 5 ways to make your web design look professional.

  • Clean and free of clutter is the watchword. No one wants to try and navigate through a forest where the trees are so close together they have to walk sideways. Neither do they want to work out where to go and how to get there on a website that is so cluttered they can’t see anything. A clear and clean page will make your visitor happy because they can see what they want straight away.
  • Research other websites and see what you like about them and if it works well when you try to navigate through to other pages. If you truly love some feature ask your designer if it can be incorporated into your website. In fact, copy down the URL so your designer can see for himself what you mean.
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