After the excitement of landscape design and the final product wears off, you may find yourself spending less time tinkering in your yard than you should. You may begin to neglect pulling the weeds out as often as you should, or you might not spare a thought for the outdoor furniture wasting away in your fresh new patio area.
Neglecting your new landscaping according to is one of the worst things you can do for yourself, your family, and your property. As most landscaping experts will tell you, it’s one of your property’s most significant assets. Look after it, or the following might happen…
It Could Bring Down Your Home’s Value
First impressions count for a lot in real estate, and failure to maintain your gardens and invest in your landscaping can bring your value down significantly. It can even have more of an impact than you think. Overseas experts suggest that landscaping can account for a return-on-investment between 100 percent and 1,000 percent. That’s a lot of money just by taking the time to look after the backyard you may have spent hours creating.